Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What is it about Christmas.....

That makes us all effin crazy???

I love Christmas and really find it a fun. I look forward to it all year long, truly I do. Even the shopping! I love the smell in the air, the snowy days leading up to the main event, the anticipation of presents, the taste of rich, creamy eggnogg. Why do people go crazy? Why do my in-laws try to send my husband and I important messages about dinner plans telepathically instead of picking up the phone? Why does my mom get a panicked look in her eye when she hears that someone is....running late? Why does it matter so much that we each have the perfect day with all the most perfect people in attendance, and be perfectly happy, come hell or high water? Why all the pressure?

It's a major Christmas drag, I'll tell you. It sucks the life out of me.

And I think it gets worse with age. Because when you think about it, only old people hate Christmas. I've never heard an eight year old swear at the impending doom that is a visit from Santa. But as that eight year old grows up and has an eight year old themelves (and, presumably, all the extended family that come with eight year olds) they start to feel the pressure Santa brings. Busy days ending with traffic jams leading to the mall, demands from all sides of the family--If you have Christmas Day with those guys this year than it's with the other guys next year and then you can't go to their place Christmas Eve without making an appearance at the other place on Boxing Day and for god's sake don't miss Uncle Wayne's Skating PARTY!!

But now that the Christmas crisis of 2008 are past, and we've all gotten it out of our systems, I'm determined to enjoy myself, just like I did when I was eight.

Here's hoping you all do too!



Friday, December 12, 2008

A time for MEN...to shop.

So, for all you women out there who have husbands who may need a little help shopping for you, we have the PERFECT solution.

Next Thursday, December 18th, from 7-9pm, send in your husbands to a man-friendly yarn shop to pick up a gift for you. We will have beer chillin' (on the house), sports radio playin' and many gift ideas at the ready for your yarn-shop-shy fellas. We will even do gift certificates to make things real simple.

And if you have a man in your life who REALLY needs support in this area (and let's be real, don't they all?) send me a wish list that I can put in the hand of your man when he visits.
Easy as pie.

And to make it easier on you...here are a few ideas:

Stocking Stuffers
Bibs and bobs like stitch holders or stitch markers
Latest Interweave Knits Mag (or the Special Gift issue)
Hand Made Wooden Scarf Pins
Bamboo Velvet Beret Kit from Sweaterkits
Any set of Birch Straight Needles or Addi Turbos

'I've been a good boy' gifts
Ball of unique hand painted sock yarn
Hard cover knitting book
Ball of Hand Maiden Maiden Hair, Sea Silk or Cashmere Silk for a one skein project
Fingerless glove kit from Fleece Artist
Gift Certificate for a Toe up Sock Class!

'Get out of the Dog House Free' Gift

So send me an email if you'd like to take care of things yourself.

See you soon!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Observations on yarn and booze.

As the economy crumbles around us, someone made a joke to me the other day about businesses that flourish in these tough times. Booze was the big one. People tend to drink their financial woes away. According to people who have been through this before, it seems we'll all stay in a booze induced stupor until we hear some good news about the business world finding its collective feet and then we'll go back to buying cars and the like.

In the meantime, my accounting software tells the same story about yarn. Seems instead of going out and spending money on dinner and movies, we're all spending a little more time in the comfort of our own homes, knitting. It shouldn't surprise me. After all, knitting is a little like therapy, isn't it? It soothes the soul, quietens the mind and generally feel good. (note: I did say 'generally') The fact that a skein of beautiful hand-dyed silk or a springy ball of fine merino can act as a remedy to a 'world gone mad', makes me feel good. It's nice to know that in all the complex talks about lowering house values, investments in decline and some horrible thing called a 'dow jones' many of us can enjoy the simple pleasure of knit, purl, knit, purl. ahhhh. I'd like to buy the world a skein, and keep it com-pan-y! Sing it with me...

Now the question I have for all of you knitters out there is...how many of you are out there knitting drunk?

: )

And onto the serious business of Unwind.

'Tis the season to get lots of new stuff at the store all the time...like Maiden Hair by Hand Maiden. A glorious blend of silk and mo hair that looks like this....yum.

Fuzzy and good. We're working on the perfect pattern for this beautiful stuff, but have yet to find it. There's a lot of pressure. Fiona's close...

Drum roll please....
For the next couple of weeks Unwind will be hosting a Trunk Show by Newmarket's own Sweaterkits! Sweaterkits has some of the most beautiful and unique kits you'll find out there in yarn land. Caroline does adorable kits for kids, beautiful kits for women and her own hand dyed tussah silk. She's got a bunch of beautiful one skein projects for her silk that will knock your sock of. She's only here for a short time, so come by and check out her wares. Here's a sample...
These are her newest kids sweater kits.

And here are some of her women's kits...

And a close up of her silk. One skein does the shawl above, the wavy scarf or a pair of silk mittens. And her cardi kit is knit from cuff to cuff, sideways with virtually no seeming!

And for the perfect gift for the knitter in your life, or just for you, the ultimate project bag by Bag Smith. Designed with the specific needs of knitter's in mind.

And one final note. A truly happy note. Guess who won the blanket at the silent auction this weekend! You guessed it. Me! You know what? I couldn't let it go home with someone else. It represents so much hard work and so much meaning that it had to live with me forever. Thanks again to all you wonderful Unwinders who donated your precious time--especially at this time of year--you are the best! Come in for a cuddle anytime. I will look at it everyday and be happy.

By the way, we raised a staggering $9000 for Neighbours Helping Neighbours and the event was a huge success! We all had a ball. Great music, great friends, great auction! Hope to see you all out for next year's bash!

Until next time,

