Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hi All,

Well. Here we are. It's January. 2009. Any thoughts on the New Year so far? I'm happy with it. It hasn't broken any promises yet. It's cold, but I knew it would be. It's slow at the store, but it always is. It makes me long for patio weather, but I do that every January. So I can't really feel strongly about something that's so consistent and utterly reliable. meh. Ask me again in February. growl.

As far as resolutions go--I have a couple. My husband and I have decided not to indulge in anything alcoholic. (Except for those little chocolates with liqueur in them to which I am completed addicted--thanks Pat.) We didn't need an intervention or anything, we just decided to forgo the extra calories and sluggish mornings.

But it's been tougher than I thought it would be. I really miss my liquid reward when the kids are finally asleep and I'm curled up on the couch watching a movie. Tea just doesn't have the same 'kick back' factor. And it's affected how we go out, of course. We're going out tonight for dinner and...what? Bowling? Can you bowl without beer? I don't think so.

Anyhoo, what else....? The gym, of course. Being a better person, of course. Smelling the roses, blah blah blah. Oh, and to be less cynical. That sums it up, really.

The years are flying by so fast, there's almost no time for reflection on the last one before the next one is right up in our face. I honestly forgot it was New Year's Eve this year. I know I was in bed by 11pm and I know I didn't wish ANYONE a Happy New Year. Not the people we were out with, not my kids, not my husband. No kisses for me.

No worries. There'll be another one before you can say, 'Let's party like it's 2010!'